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Fir Needle Essential Oil

Fir Needle Essential Oil

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$5.38 - $90.42

Aroma: Evergreen-fresh, like a Christmas tree

Latin Name: Picea abies

Country of Origin: Siberia

Cultivation Method: Harvested from wild growing plants

Extraction Method: Steam distilled

Extracted From: Needles

Color: Colorless to pale yellow

Perfumery Note: Top

Consistency: Thin liquid

Aromatherapy Properties: Refreshing, invigorating, and strengthening

Suggested Use: The scent of fir needles is fondly reminiscent of Christmas time: warm, fresh, and inviting.  It is often used in cleaning recipes to help deodorize.  It's also a favorite during sniffly nose season, considered to help improve breathing with a forest fresh scent.  Topically, it has been used to help with aching muscles and minor scratches.  Dilute to 2% with topical use, which equals about 10 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil.  

History: Norway Spruce is the tree most commonly used as a traditional Christmas tree around the world.  The needles, which are high in vitamin C, have been traditionally used to brew a tea to help prevent scurvy.

Specific Safety Information: Not for internal use.  Dilute properly with topical use.  Some essential oils may be contraindicated with certain medical conditions.  Ask your doctor if you have any questions before use.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure a disease.